Computer Architecture

1. **Introduction to Computer Architecture:**
– Basics of Computer Architecture
– Historical Evolution of Computer Systems
– Key Concepts and Terminologies

2. **Central Processing Unit (CPU) Architecture:**
– CPU Components and Functions
– Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
– CPU Performance Metrics and Benchmarks

3. **Memory Hierarchy and Storage:**
– RAM vs. ROM
– Cache Memory: Types and Functions
– Secondary Storage: Hard Drives, SSDs, and Flash Memory

4. **Data Path and Control:**
– The Concept of a Data Path
– Control Unit: Design and Function
– Microprogramming and Control Signals

5. **Parallel Processing and Multicore Systems:**
– Introduction to Parallel Processing
– Multicore and Multiprocessor Systems
– Challenges and Benefits of Parallelism

6. **Input/Output (I/O) Systems and Buses:**
– Overview of I/O Systems
– Bus Architecture and Protocols
– Interrupts and Direct Memory Access (DMA)

7. **Pipelining and Instruction-Level Parallelism:**
– Basic Concepts of Pipelining
– Hazards and Solutions in Pipelining
– Superscalar and VLIW Architectures

8. **RISC vs. CISC Architectures:**
– Differences between RISC and CISC
– Advantages and Use Cases
– Trends and Future Directions

9. **Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and Specialized Processors:**
– Architecture of GPUs
– Comparison with CPUs
– Applications of Specialized Processors

10. **Emerging Trends and Future Directions:**
– Quantum Computing and its Impact on Architecture
– AI and Machine Learning Hardware
– Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Computing

Each category can be a standalone post, offering in-depth insights into the specific aspects of computer architecture. This structured approach will help computer science majors build a solid foundation and progressively deepen their understanding of this crucial subject.