About T.T.S.

learning together

Having The Right Tools and Knowing How To Use Them Is Key To Success!

All Play No Work

Here at The Tech Stacks, we are nothing more than software enthusiasts. We love playing with both new and old frameworks, libraries, services, and so much more. At TTS we strive to find new ways to integrate them all. We love finding new use cases and challenges that require us to engineer a solution with all the tools at our disposal.

The Tech Stacks chess match

We Never Shy Away From A Challenge!

Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.

Joshua J. Marine

If you’re in love with all things software development then take a look at how to Contribute. Also help yourself to one of our latest Posts and engage in the discussion. The Tech Stacks accepts all tech enthusiasts as well as those curious about getting into software development. We love teaching as much as we love software.

The Mission

Our mission is to build a community around curiosity and experimentation of new and existing software technologies. We want this community to foster new ideas and inspire others to venture into the world of software development. We want to bring together anyone who is passionate or just curious about the world of Software Development in a nurturing environment. Bring together passionate people from diverse fields and backgrounds has proven to be a breeding ground for amazing new ideas, so we’re excited to see what comes out of TTS.